Wednesday 5 February 2020

Memory book

Another unpublished post from my dextrous life:

Working without deadlines is a slow death for my projects. I start new ones and the current ones go into a stack of 'I will get back to that tomorrow'. It is often put off for a couple of tomorrows while I enjoy the latest project. I love beginning projects and I love finishing them. It is the middle bit that is less exciting - unless there is a deadline. I shall have to go back to giving myself deadlines.

The latest project I have finished is a quilted memory book. I love it and the thrilled parents have given me permission to use images of the book here. I will exclude pages with the child's name on but I was pleased with the title and end pages. I used a favourite image software program to create a scrapbook type image which I then printed onto printable cotton. This allowed me to combine words and images for the central panels.

I used felt as the wadding for each side of the pages as I thought it would add more structure to the book without making the pages thicker than I wanted.

These are a few of the pages. It was great fun, I look forward to making more.

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